Green Site
Success starts at ground level
As a business owner, a green site is a blank slate on which to build your dreams. For CTM, it is a chance to get in at ground level – and put our full A-Z range of integrated architectural, design and engineering services to work for you.
It begins with detailed Site Planning. CTM can help you determine how to develop your property to best achieve your goals. We’ll do the heavy lifting when it comes to negotiating crossing access, tying into infrastructure, planning for safe site access, modelling traffic flow and securing approvals. [Check out our keys to great site planning for service stations]
With CTM’s detailed familiarity of zoning bylaws and municipal regulations across Ontario, Western Canada and the Territories, you can count on us to be on top of all zoning requirements, setbacks, right-of-ways and density-of-use restrictions.
CTM can coordinate and negotiate with land developers on your behalf. We can also play a central role in communicating with neighbours, community groups and stakeholders throughout all stages of your build.